If you do not find what you need in this summary, please reach out to us at info@csvsw.ca so we can,
1. Capture your concerns, 2. Find the response, and 3. Include it in this reference document for other members.
Q - What do I do if something does not look right?
Keep an eye out for notices and activity on the site at all times. Please document any activity on the site and take photos and videos. See below Additional Guidance & Resources - calling City support for help, for more details.
We have come across builders that do not follow the rules and this is where it is important for residents to get involved. In these cases, for immediate concerns please call 311. Always call 911 for emergencies. Email: 311@toronto.ca or open a service request using https://www.toronto.ca/home/311-toronto-at-your-service You can also let us know when these concerns come up by emailing us at info@csvsw.ca and describing the situation.
Visit our community support tab for recommended steps https://www.cliffcrestscarboroughvillagesw.ca/community-support/
Q - I think the home near me may be demolished, how do I check?
There are 2 kinds of developments:
1. developments with no variances and 2. developments with variances.
- Development with no Variances:
If there were no variances involved in a proposal then you would NOT see it on this City site.
For a development with no variances the developer is still required to post permits at the site before starting work and all other requirements that apply to CoA approvals apply those that don’t go to COA. The CoA is just one additional step to get the permits for variance.
To confirm if any variances are involved with a proposed development, please visit City of Toronto Application Information Centre search using link below:
Development Applications (toronto.ca)
- Development with Variances
Infill Homes Notice:
If the Zoning Department finds that a proposal exceeds the established by-laws the owner must ask for relief (exemption) from the by-law(s) at the Committee of Adjustment.
Homeowners within 60 metres of the property will receive notice of the requested variance(s) 10 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. This notice will include details on which aspects of the home would exceed the by-law (i.e., building height), the measurement of what the owner is requesting (i.e., building height of 10m) and what the by-law allows (i.e., maximum peaked roof height allowed is 9m). A set of plans will also be included in this notice.
The developer is also required to post a notice sign at the site 10 days before the proposal is presented to CoA (there have been situations where members have reported that no signs were posted).
Q - What can I do as a resident when I receive infill home notice?
You can participate at the COA with your concerns, you can also reach out to the Association for guidance.
Q - What does the Association do to support residents with regards to infill homes?
As an incorporated Association we have the privilege of getting notices that will be appearing at the CoA hearing by email. Each time we get a notification our Planning Team reviews and applies 4 tests to the proposal to determine what developments need attention.
- Is the application minor in nature?
- Is it desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure?
- Is it in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law?
- Is it in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan?
When needed the Association will reach out to nearby residents to inform them of the development application and let them know that the Association can provide information or support to them if they have concerns with the proposal and its impact.
The Association will oppose inappropriate builds. This CoA Guide (adapted with permission from a guide produced by the Palmerston Area Residents Association) provides some general information on what this process will look like:
Navigating the Committee of Adjustment
Q - Is a Building Permit always needed? Can I get a copy?
Building Permits:
A Building Permit is still needed to begin the construction, demolition, addition or renovation on a property with no variances. As part of the Building Permit process, Toronto Building staff must review the plans to ensure they comply with the Ontario Building Code, local Zoning By-laws and other Applicable Law.
For a development with no variances the developer is still required to post permits at the site.
Building inspections are required at different stages of construction. The builder must request inspections as each stage of the home is completed. If you see something that does not appear right you should call 311.
To view building permit status, please use City of Toronto search link below:
City of Toronto: Building Application Status
If there are no permits and construction starts, call 311. They will assess if an order to comply should be issued. This is serious and will stop construction.
Q - How do you know if the right house is being built:
If you wanted to see the plans, as a nearby resident you can request them by going to https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/building-construction/preliminary-zoning-reviews-information/request-building-records/
There is a fee of $75.00.
On the Applicant declaration select the last option – another person
Filling out the form to obtain a copy of the drawings (called "routine disclosure"):
1. Click this link: https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/building-construction/preliminary-zoning-reviews-information/request-building-records/
2. Click 'apply by email'
3. Click "application form"
4. Fill this out. Page 1: state that you are requesting "Residential building permits for the adjoining property". Also, make sure you enter the most up-to-date building permit number. You can find that by searching the address here: https://secure.toronto.ca/ApplicationStatus/setup.do?action=init. The first building permit number will end in 00, subsequent (i.e. changes to) building permits will end in 01, 02, etc. On page 2: select the last option "another person requesting..."
5. Either click email at the top of the form or save a copy of the form and attach it to an email to: bldapplications@toronto.ca. Make sure subject line is "Routine Disclosure. Property address: xxxxxxxx and send it off
6. You will receive an email with instructions on how to pay (either by phone or email). You need to wait for this email because it will contain the reference number to use when paying. Keep a copy of the confirmation of payment! Members reported resending this confirmation because they did not receive a copy of the plans initially.
You may wish to wait until demolition has been completed and work has started on the foundation forms before ordering the drawings. Residents shared that drawings changed and, had they ordered them earlier, and had to order them again to get the most up-to-date copies. The drawings will be of benefit once the foundations are laid (to check if they're doing things according to the plans).
What do I do when a site plan does not appear to match the corresponding Legal Site Survey for a subject property or adjoining properties?
If you are a concerned neighbour and think that the site plan does not match the legal topographic survey for the proposed application (ie. the proposed house appears farther forward on the lot, or the property lines don't appear correct etc.). The most effective way to address this conflict is to reach out to surrounding neighbours for existing legal property surveys and compare your information. Legal surveys will share information with the subject property and the adjoining properties. Compile the surveys together and contact the COA technician listed on the hearing notice. Concerns should be raised to COA technicians to determine if a correction on the application is required and the COA panel will determine the course of action to manage the file discrepancy.
What do I do if there is a boundary dispute and I think the boundaries are not shown correctly?
If there is a contest comment about the property boundary lines, you could have the survey/deed checked for accuracy by a professional.
When a house is purchased, the buyer receives a deed and, in certain cases, a survey may have been prepared by a professional surveyor. This is something that can be requested by your realtor when purchasing home and incorporated into your purchase agreement as a condition.
The deed language can be interpreted by a real estate lawyer. If this matter is going to the COA, an option could be to have a specialist lawyer write a letter on his/her letterhead to the COA to request a review of the deed. This action should ideally alert COA staff to hold the case until the matter is resolved.
Q - What about the trees in a development proposal?
Private Tree By-Law at a development site:
Here is a guide with some information on the correct process to follow for private tree by-laws:
Information you need to know about the private tree by-law
Keep an eye out for activity that does not look right. Please document any activity on the site and take photos and videos, this will go a long way to successful prosecution if trees have been cut without permits.
Q - Is a permit always required for removal of trees? What if the tree is not healthy?
Yes a permit is always required to have a diameter of 30 cm or more even if they look unhealthy. Call 311 to confirm if permits have been issued and if they have not the inquiry will be directed to Forestry.
If they do have permits and you are still concerned you can request to have forestry call you to discuss. Or you can contact Forestry Directly. Please document any activity on the site and take photos and videos, this will go a long way to successful prosecution if trees have been cut without proper permits.
Some other helpful information:
Also see guide in previous question.
Q - What do I do if I suspect there is a conflict of interest with some city processes?
Details and documentation about the concern can be submitted to Integrity Commissioner
You can inform your Councillor about your concern, and you can also copy the RA for information at info@csvsw.ca."
Q - I don’t know if the sign posted for the development is correct, how do I confirm this?
This is what signs should have + more info:
*expand the link until you get to printing the public notice
Q - How do I check the status for development?
If you would like to know what stage of the development has been approved, follow this link:
Q - How many applications for major residential infill developments require variance approval
The answer that about 60% of the applications require variance approval on a city-wide basis.
Here is a pyramid chart to give an overview:
COA Pyramid of Data Points
Q - What is a Zoning Waiver and how can be used to bypass the Zoning Examination
Owners can use the Zoning Waiver process to self-declare a list variances that will require COA approval. Once the Zoning Waiver is prepared, the Owner can quickly move ahead to request a COA Hearing date. If a Zoning Waiver is used, the Owner will then request a Zoning Examination after the COA Hearing has approved the application.
In many cases, the Zoning Waiver has errors or missed variances.
In Scarborough about 20% of the applications proceed to COA with a Zoning Waiver.
Here is a chart with some data points:
Zoning Waiver Chart
Q - A Building Code Permit will show a Status Code on the city website. What does the Status Code indicate.
See the attached two pager:
Q - What hours can construction start and finish?
Noise will not be permitted from 7p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday to Friday, and before 9 a.m. on Saturdays. Construction noise is also not permitted all day on Sundays and statutory holidays. See attached update or for more information about the Noise Bylaw please visit: toronto.ca/Noise
Q - Can you give me a rough idea of the timelines for each stage of construction for a new single family dwelling.
See the attached timeline chart.
Q - What do I do if the construction of a home is left half finished for a long time and it looks like it has been abandoned?
Email or call 311, escalate if needed with a CC to the Councillor's office, info@csvsw.ca & Luke.Johnson@toronto.ca
Q - What do I do if a home looks like it has been empty for a long time.
Email 311, get a reference number, escalate if needed with a CC to the Councillor's office & info@csvsw.ca,
Q - What do I do if I think the home next door is a rooming house?
Email or call 311, get a reference number, escalate if needed with a CC to the Councillor's office & info@csvsw.ca
CALL 311 OR 416-392-CITY (2489) for City Support or open a service request using https://www.toronto.ca/home/311-toronto-at-your-service. This contact provides residents, businesses and visitors with easy access to non-emergency City services, programs and information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
This is a good starting point to get information. 311 can offer assistance in more than 180 languages. You can also email Email: 311@toronto.ca Always ask for a reference number so you can follow up if needed.
Always call 911 for emergencies. Call 211 for community, social and health service questions. 311 will help with items such as Municipal Licensing and Standards - MLS - Ie, property maintenance issues. 416 808 4100 and 416 808 4300 for Police - for trespassing or security issues.
If the concerns involve tree removals without permits, or imminent safety concerns, among other things contact information for Urban Forestry Scarborough District Scarborough General Inquiry 416- 338-5566 Supervisor Mark Ventresca 416 396-5131 https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/94f3-parks_forestry_recreation.pdf
Concerns with construction at the site, start with 311, you can also email bill.stamatopoulos@toronto.ca or phone 416 396 5035. Mr. Stamatopoulos is the Director of the Scarborough Branch Building Department.
Check the directory on the city site if you are not getting a response as details can change.
NOTE: If you are unable to find the contact you are looking for, reach out to us at info@csvsw.ca and we will always try to help.
This is another good link to refer to for information with regards to infill homes: https://www.toronto.ca/311/knowledgebase/kb/docs/articles/toronto-building/customer-service/infill-housing.html
The quickest way to get an Officer dispatched for parking offences is through the new online portal, which sends the request to the dispatcher almost immediately. The portal link is provided below. Or, a call for service can still be made through the non-emergency line at 416 808-2222.
One of the things that is special about our neighbourhoods is the biodiversity of wildlife that travels through our community forest.
A useful contact to be aware of is the Toronto Wildlife Center (TWC), a non-profit, charitable organization, funded solely by donations, is the only agency in Toronto that aids TO wildlife. If you discover a sick, injured or orphaned wild animal you can reach out to this group for assistance.
https://www.torontowildlifecentre.com/what-we-do/wildlife-hotline /
The Caregiver Wellness program at the Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities provides education and support at no cost to those who provide ongoing and unpaid supports for families and friends living with disabilities, age-related concerns or chronic conditions.
To learn more about the program check out their website at https://www.schcontario.ca/schc-caregiver-wellness.html or email them at caregiverwellness@schcontario.ca
The City of Toronto is continuing to provide 'Mechanical Leaf Collection' in 2021 for some areas of Scarborough and Etobicoke, as they have done for 20+ years. The mechanical leaf collection is pick up of loose leaves piled at the property curb, and not bagged. An easier task for the home-owner in areas with many mature trees, and no yard waste bags for the city to handle and empty less efficiently.
These links provide information:
Our local streets are usually assigned an early removal week in autumn and the leaves usually have not fallen so early in the season, so the city crews have little to remove in these early weeks. This year the removal week was Nov 8 to 12 and again, few leaves had fallen by this past week.
In all prior years, home-owner calls to Scarborough/Toronto Roads and our city councillor have been effective in securing a second pass for most streets before the final mechanical removal date of December 3rd. This week a few home-owners have already reached out to 311 to request a second pick up later in the season and have been advised that in order for this to be scheduled, a larger group of home-owners must request this service.
If you wish to request the city to schedule a "second pass" for mechanical leaf pick up on your street please call both:
• 311 to request a second mechanical leaf pick up for your street
• The office of Councillor Gary Crawford at (416) 392-4052 to request they make this request of the city for their constituents.
is a multi-service urban Aboriginal agency providing holistic, culture-based programs and services for Aboriginal children and families. For supportive counselling thought a combination of Aboriginal approaches to healing and clinical practices please visit: Clinical Services - Native Child and Family Services of
If you have concerns about speeding on your local street, check out this guide for information on traffic calming options and the process...and it most certainly is a process.
Consideration of physical traffic calming on a street can be initiated by the local Councillor following a public meeting, or upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 25% of affected households (or 10% in the case of multi-family rental dwellings), or by a survey conducted by the Ward Councillor.
The Association is always looking to share helpful information with our membership, if there is anything you think should be added please direct to info@csvsw.ca